Theo Godson Presents: 5 Day FREE Own Your Niche Challenge | October 3 - 7 @ 7pm (WAT)

How To "Legally End" Your Competition & 


In just 5 days, you will learn what it takes to create your custom niche and end competition in your market. You will unlock the secrets, strategies and potentials that you have to truly build a business that owns your market.

Become a Leader in Your Niche

Get the Chance 
to Be Coached by 
Theo Godson

When you join the challenge, you could be chosen to be coached directly by Theo Godson & his team to help you launch & scale your business.

Win Lots of Amazing Prizes

When Your Accept The Challenge, You Stand A Chance To Win

For those who sign up and attend the full challenge, you stand a chance to win some amazing prizes. Winners would be selected daily and announced through out the challenge, you could be among the winners.

What qualifies you to be a part of this challenge?


If you're comfortable with playing small, you are lazy and unwilling to pay the price to build your dream business and life, you shouldn't bother joining the challenge.

But if this isn't you and you are willing to do whatever it takes and go all in to differentiate yourself in the market place, make your business stand out and serve your customers in the highest level possible while enjoying the benefits that come with it. Then you need to sign up for Own Your Niche Challenge now.

You need to 
"Economy proof"
 Your business

With the fast rises cost of living, changes in the prices of goods and basic necessities, the ripple effect keeps hitting business owners hard.

How do you "economy proof" your business to allow you to generate consistent revenue, serve your customers and remain profitable regardless of any economic downturn?

We would be sharing with you practical strategies you can apply to your business that gives you a highly unfair advantage to thrive in your economy.

Create your own blue ocean

With more people becoming entrepreneurs every day, starting new businesses and entering existing markets, your industry tends to get crowded.

When too many entrepreneurs serve in the same market, serving the same customers with different qualities of service, creating angry and bitter customers, such markets become a red ocean.

Learning to create your fresh blue ocean to serve your customers in a new and unique way sets you apart and helps you get better results.

It is time to go all in and create your blue ocean for your business and enjoy the benefits

Are you ready to

End the struggle?

In just 5 days, you will learn what it takes to create your custom niche and end competition in your market. You will unlock

Before the Event

Struggling clarity on practical growth strategies 
Struggling in your market place
Struggling with getting consistent customers
Struggling positioning your business right

after the Event

Certainty on needed steps and strategies for growth
 Creating your own custom offers for the market
 Understanding customer acquisition strategies
Greatly positioned with your highly unfair advantage to dominate your market

invest 5 days to enjoy 5 years

The greatest investment you can make is in yourself, what you know, who you know and who knows you.

The 5 Day Own Your Niche Challenge gives you an opportunity to gain a highly unfair advantage that can set you business ahead of your competitors.

The investment of time and energy to be a part of this challenge is one that has the potential to change your results and ultimately your life.

Set aside these 5 days and set yourself ahead by 5 years.

Why do you have to do it alone?

The Entrepreneurial journey is usually a lonely one, lacking family and friends who understand your vision and are willing to support you the way you need and desire.

You have ideas and strategies but you still need someone who can understand them and help you tweak a few things to improve and increase your efficiency.

Joining the challenge gives you an opportunity to network with other entrepreneurs, build lasting connections and relationships that can accelerate your business growth and set you ahead by years.

This is an opportunity you need to take advantage of today.
Stop playing small and settling for crumbs in your market, it is time to take your place...Join the 5 Day Own Your Niche Challenge for FREE and unlock the secrets to owning your niche and becoming an economic pillar!


Join Your FREE Ticket to the 5 Day Challenge


WHat people are saying

Mildred Peace

His complete dedication to my personal achievement and success is unmatched. He motivates me and keeps me on my feet, driving me to ensure I hit all the targets in record time.

Paul Fashanu

His entire leadership is from a place of integrity and dedication to producing the best results from his team, friends and general network.

Daddy Bryl

It has helped me realise practically that no goal is too big to achieve as long as you break then into achievable atoms 

The 5 Day Event Schedule

What You Will Learn

During the 5 Day Challenge, we would walk you through clear strategies to help you get better results by the end of the challenge

Your premium invitation

Private Coaching with theo godson

Through out the challenge, Theo Godson will pick one person each day to partner and work with to help grow and scale your business.

This does not mean he is taking over your business, he is simply going to work with you directly and offer you the support you need to rapidly position your business and to scale.

This is just a way to over deliver and offer the most value through out the challenge and beyond.

This opportunity is only for the action takers, those who are ready to really grow and scale their businesses.

The goal is to help entrepreneurs position and serve where they are needed and in the capacity required to deliver their products and services to the right customers.

There are a lot of other amazing prizes, benefits and perks if you picked to work with Theo Godson directly

You could get the opportunity for FREE when you join the challenge.

Your advantage toolkit

Here's What You Get

  • 5 Days Live Trainings with Theo Godson alongside other amazing speakers starting from 3rd October at 7PM (WAT) designed to unlock secrets and strategies to help you position your business for success
  • Access to our private community and discussion group to network with other entrepreneurs and business professionals
  •  You get daily actions and tasks to help you maximize your experience and results for your business
  • ​You will be eligible to be one of the winners to get the challenge grand prize alongside One-on-one coaching with Theo Godson
  • ​You will get the clarity and handheld support to help position your business and brand










Theo Godson is the Founder of BELT with over 12 of experience across business development, branding, marketing & management. He was recently awarded as the Young Business Leader of the Year 2021 and he is a 10X Marketing Certified Expert.
Lucky Elohor is a Sales Funnels & Digital Product Launch Queen.
She has been helping entrepreneurs create and craft compelling stories and messaging for their products, irresistible offers, and pricing their offers and services to grow and scale their businesses through sales funnels, email marketing, advertising, webinars, offer clarity and positioning and business automation.
Chinwe Ukaegbu is a WhatsApp Marketing Expert and Influencer with a focus on helping entrepreneurs grow their businesses through list building, offer hacking and content marketing. Her expertise cuts across sales strategies, marketing and implementation for results.

Make that shift

Stop competing markets where you should dominate

Many new entrepreneurs have the "Shinny Object Syndrome" they quickly rush to follow trends, new techniques, tactics, new business models and whatever seems to be working. A lot of inexperienced "wanna-bees" end up crowding the market and frustrating the efforts of the genuine ones.

During the Own Your Niche Challenge, we would be sharing with you how you can make that shift and rise above the noise.

Own Your Niche Challenge

2022 © BELT NG. All rights reserved.
DISCLAIMER: We do not believe in "get rich schemes" we simply offer information and educational materials to help you understand your business and serve your customers, we do not guarantee your results and earnings, they can only be determined by your hard work, discipline and personal circumstances.